New Audubon clip now live

A newly proposed rule would loosen protection for eagles in the United States: It might soon be legal to kill 4,200 Bald Eagles a year. Here’s why federal scientists think that’s okay. I wrote about this issue for the website of Audubon magazine. It went live May 10, 2016. Read it here.

Barbara Kingsolver and Butterflies

What would happen if monarch butterflies suddenly appeared at the wrong overwintering site? That’s the scenario Barbara Kingsolver paints in her captivating new novel, Flight Behavior. (January-February 2013 issue)

Follow Through

The RESTORE Act offers a potential influx of cash to Gulf States. Though how big a pot of money—$4.3 billion to $21 billion—as well as which projects get funded is yet to be determined. (September-October 2012 issue)

Priority Mail

A Virginia letter carrier, donned the mail ma’am by those who know and love her, has turned her route into a haven for nesting eastern bluebirds. In just three years, she’s installed 110 boxes…and she’s still going. (July-August 2012 issue)

Modern Bride

Green weddings are all the rage, with a growing number of couples are saying “I do” to celebrations that save waste and natural resources without sacrificing elegance. These tips will show you how. (May-June 2012 issue)

When Punk Rock, Tattoos, and Birding Collide

Paul Riss is kind of fanatical about birds. But he’s also passionate about his unique punk rock style—and about melding the two. (April 2012, online only)

Pest Control

Conservationists tend to focus on what the environment can do for birds. In a unique reversal, one researcher looked at what birds can do for their environment. She found that bluebirds were inadvertently fending off insect damage in vineyards. (March-April 2012 issue)

Loon Lake

How one photographer captured his award-winning underwater shot of a loon. (January 2012, online only)

PVC Pipes Can Make Great Legs

With some innovative thinking, one Florida rehab facility gave six injured sandhill cranes a walking chance. (January 2012, online only)